Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Well I don't like talking about myself and I certainly don't have all of the answers to your squash game. I have played since I was 7 years old and had some success as a player as a junior, at university, and now in the masters division! I also have my BA in kinesiology, my masters in Coaching in Studies and am trained as a provincial coach. More importantly I coach everyday and watch a lot of squash. I'm always analyzing the game and trying to come up with new and fun ways to teach the sport to all levels and ages.

It is my hope that with this is virtual squash coaching office I can reach a wider audience and share some of my expertise...and since our society is becoming more integrated online and I don't have an actual office where I coach I figured I would share some of my favourite drills, condition games, fitness tests, and thoughts about squash. This is meant more directly to the kids that I work with, but am happy to share whatever I can to whoever is looking for some tips and help with their squash game.

I don't know exactly how often I will update this and what I will write about, but I will try to keep it interesting and make you think. Because I believe there is a good time for any shot on a squash court, that a technically or physically weaker player can still be victorious with smart tactics and/or being mentally tough. I also believe that there is more than one way to do something and to do it well, so I don't like using the terms 'must' or 'have to', I will stick to terms such as 'should' or 'preferred', but again this only my opinions, and I'm not always right and I don't have all the answers. I encourage everyone to think rationally about each concept and topic on their own. In the end this 'should' develop a more enhanced understanding of the sport and of themselves.

Good luck to everyone that plays this great sport! If you have any questions or wants my opinion on a specific subject let me know.


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